little palm tree

Single Release (2020)

little palm tree

little palm tree

Single Release (2020)

I heard this African fairy tale for the first time at a time when people who were extremely valuable to me were saying goodbye to me. Already as a small boy I learned to express my feelings to GOD in song. King David plays an immense role here. How often has depression given way to a happy spirit!

The stone did not kill the palm tree, but gave the sapling great splendor. GOD is not the bad man; JESUS endured suffering like no other.

1. Once upon a time there was a little palm tree

it stood on the edge of an oasis and was very pretty.

A wicked man came and saw the palm tree and got angry

because he didn't want to see beautiful things.

2. He took a stone and bound it

stuck in the crown of the tree.

Ah, this groaned and moaned and although it bent -

the stone in the crown held fast.

3. Since the palm claws tighter

and braces himself against the stony burden.

It grows and grows, gets bigger and bigger,

because it captures the hidden waters of the oasis.

4. After many years the evil man comes again.

A palm tree stands there in great splendor.

She tilts her crown and shows him the stone and says:

"I have to thank you, your burden has made me strong!"

5. Maybe you feel like the palm tree

and the stone in the crown is stuck.

Then look with the roots for support and for water,

because the burden imposed only makes you grow.