Chapel Bells

Single Release (2015)

Chapel Bells

Chapel Bells

Single Release (2015)

I read their stories like comics. Even as a boy I was fascinated by how these pioneers took the Christian faith to the most remote areas. I see them as heroes and role models and I didn't just write a song about them.

According to the biography I know, Jim Elliot died the day I was born. I often prayed to GOD: "Please give me such devotion!" Some of them renounced great careers and wealth. If I remember correctly, Nike (one of Elliot's team) served as the US President's bodyguard.

Today you can fly to the other side of the world in less than 20 hours. Back then, seeing water for weeks or even months meant nothing, not to mention all the hardship, hardship and the strange that awaited them. When I spent a 17 hour layover in Shanghai in 2019, GOD reminded me of so many things Hudson Taylor. Here, as a young man, he set foot on Chinese soil for the first time. Many years later he sought to recruit 100 people for his dream and founded the CIM (Inland China Mission). With each of the missionaries I found a deep prayer life like that of JESUS and a constant waiting for GOD. All the courage and perseverance also came exclusively from fellowship with the LORD of all lords.